
Is Rooftop Solar a Better Option than Utility-Scale Solar?

In a recently released partnership study by The Brattle Group and the Edison Electric Institute, utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems were found to be more cost effective in the U.S. than residential-scale (rooftop) PV systems. 

Commissioned by First Solar, the report is the first to focus on a “solar to solar comparison of equal amounts of residential-scale and utility-scale PV solar deployed on an operating utility system.” 

Utility-scale solar remained more cost effective in all scenarios considered in the study—different tax credits, monetizations, and inflation rates. Brattle principal and co-author of the study Dr. Peter Fox-Penner affirmed, “Over the last decade, solar energy costs for both rooftop and bulk-power applications have come down dramatically, but utility-scale solar will remain substantially less expensive per kWh generated than rooftop PV. In addition, utility-scale PV allows everyone access to solar power. From the standpoint of cost, equity, and environmental benefits, large-scale solar is a crucial resource.”

Read the full article: Forbes

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